MC: That they have flappy tails and long hair.
And that they have

Me: Do they do anything special?
MC: They flop their tail around.
The obsession with all things mermaid began when MC found one at the Goodwill that just spoke to her. She had such a look of wonderment on her little face at her great find and she played with "Annabelle" loyally in the bath for months.
Madi was the main party planner for MC's 5th birthday and she put a lot of work into it. I am still finding drawings of cupcakes, games, and decorations in her spirals. The main inspiration came from Barbie and the Mermaid Tale, which I hate admitting that we own. I think I once imagined that my life would be barbie-free and my kids would be so cool they would just gravitate toward less perfectly proportioned-long, blond hair-blue eyed- totally perfect-type dolls. Then, I'm walking through wal-mart and my baby spots "her," and the love affair begins. So, who am I to judge Barbie? I can't hate her just because she is "perfect," right?
The movie, I would rate as [AW] (almost watchable) and by Barbie standards, this is pretty good. Barbie and the Diamond Castle, on the other hand, receives the [ATS] (are they serious) because it was so ridiculous on so many levels, that once I forced Jonathan to watch the entire movie with the girls, just to see his reaction.
The festivities included the standard cupcake eating, present time, and of course dancing to the Queen of the Waves song. But the best part of the party, was the hula-hooping contest, which MC is a pro at. She has been able to hula since about 4 years of age, so it was on! She made her uncles look silly, because the adults in our family are not afraid to compete with a child, regardless of the occasion. If they could have beat her and stolen the hula glory, they would have. The good news is kids grow up knowing their successes are legitimate.
Happy 5th Birthday MC, Queen of the Hoop!
Madi was the main party planner for MC's 5th birthday and she put a lot of work into it. I am still finding drawings of cupcakes, games, and decorations in her spirals. The main inspiration came from Barbie and the Mermaid Tale, which I hate admitting that we own. I think I once imagined that my life would be barbie-free and my kids would be so cool they would just gravitate toward less perfectly proportioned-long, blond hair-blue eyed- totally perfect-type dolls. Then, I'm walking through wal-mart and my baby spots "her," and the love affair begins. So, who am I to judge Barbie? I can't hate her just because she is "perfect," right?
The movie, I would rate as [AW] (almost watchable) and by Barbie standards, this is pretty good. Barbie and the Diamond Castle, on the other hand, receives the [ATS] (are they serious) because it was so ridiculous on so many levels, that once I forced Jonathan to watch the entire movie with the girls, just to see his reaction.
The festivities included the standard cupcake eating, present time, and of course dancing to the Queen of the Waves song. But the best part of the party, was the hula-hooping contest, which MC is a pro at. She has been able to hula since about 4 years of age, so it was on! She made her uncles look silly, because the adults in our family are not afraid to compete with a child, regardless of the occasion. If they could have beat her and stolen the hula glory, they would have. The good news is kids grow up knowing their successes are legitimate.
Happy 5th Birthday MC, Queen of the Hoop!
Hula-ing in a mermaid skirt is completely at the next level!